Thursday, January 11, 2024
Join John Muir Laws and special guest Dennis Jongsomjit from Point Blue Conservation Science to discuss penguin research and art. All ages and experience levels are welcome. No registration is necessary.
John Muir Laws is a principal leader and innovator of the worldwide nature journaling movement. He is a naturalist, artist, and educator who has dedicated his work to connecting people to nature through art and science.
Dennis Jongsomjit is a Geospatial Ecologist at Point Blue Conservation Science, who has focused his efforts on modeling, mapping, and investigating landscape and climate change factors affecting the distribution of wildlife populations. He’s worked on projects examining the potential future distributions and abundance of vegetation and birds throughout the western U.S. and northern Mexico, modeling the distributions of species in Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, and modeling the effects of sea-level rise on tidal marsh habitat around San Francisco Bay.
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