Who We Are
The Stewards of Palomarin are a community of individual donors that believe in the importance and impact of the Palomarin Field Station’s training programs, public outreach, and decades of keystone data collection on birds and their ecosystems. Stewards make up the primary source of funding support for the field station’s core operations and will help ensure that Palomarin continues to be a leader in conservation science, training, and outreach for decades to come.
You can be a part of this community by becoming a Steward today!
Contact us at stewardsofpalomarin@pointblue.org to set up a visit!
Connected Conservation

Our impact through geographies and generations
Since 1966, the Palomarin Field Station has been Point Blue’s iconic ecological research and teaching center, with an impact that stretches well beyond our 100-acre study area.
Palomarin serves at Point Blue’s public visitor center and a community resource, welcoming visitors ranging from local families and schoolchildren to birders from around the world for a close encounter with a bird in the hand.
As one of America’s premier locations for long-term studies on birds and their habitats, Palomarin holds immense significance in bird conservation science and has trained hundreds of early-career scientists, many of whom go on to become conservation leaders around the world.
Palomarin also serves as a critical hub for regional conservation partnerships and programs that directly address urgent threats to birds, including Northern Spotted Owl and Snowy Plover monitoring programs, and our statewide oil spill preparedness and response efforts.
Our Commitment

Blueprint for the next 50 years
With your help, we will build on decades of successful science, training, and outreach programs to:
- Expand access to careers in conservation science through our early-career training programs – currently we can only accommodate between 1 – 10% of the young professionals who apply!
- Answer questions about climate change and habitat change that are uniquely possible using Palomarin’s long-term avian and ecological data sets.
- Begin a new era of prescribed fire and forest health management practices at Palomarin to protect biodiversity and make our human communities safer.

A call to action: A community effort
Join us!
Any recent contributors to the Palomarin Field Station are automatically members of the Stewards of Palomarin community and we offer additional benefits for Stewards who can go above and beyond!
Stewards of Palomarin - our core community
With a contribution of any size, you will become a Steward and:
- Create the future we need by helping to build new scientific knowledge and regional, national, and international conservation.
- Launch careers of future generations of scientists.
- Join the Palomarin flock and receive regular updates.
Wrentits – loyal and gritty
By donating $1,000 – $4,999 you will do all of the above and:
- Connect with us through special events and private gatherings, fostering an enriching and supportive network of fellow Stewards and Point Blue scientists.
- Sponsor a net for a year: Your donation will help us maintain and run our array of mist-nets, which are critical to the field station’s continued success.
Hummingbirds – fierce and dazzling
By donating $5,000 – $9,999 you will do all of the above and:
- Sponsor a capstone project: Your donation will help our apprentices engage with mentors in a meaningful project representing the culmination of their training.
Warblers – determined and spectacular
By donating $10,000 – $29,999 annually, you will do all of the above and:
- Sponsor a study species for a year: Your donation will help us track the latest changes in local bird population sizes.
Bluebirds – electrifying and radiant
By donating $30,000+ annually, you will do all of the above and:
- Sponsor a seasonal apprenticeship named in honor of someone you designate. There are a limited number of seasonal apprentices available to sponsor.
Get Involved
You can help the environment and support our work in lots of ways: becoming a conservation volunteer, attending our events, or following and sharing our blogs and newsletters.
Consider making a donation as well. Give Today