Deeply Grateful for You
November 24, 2020

As many of us educate ourselves on the complicated history of our country and many of the holidays we celebrate, these important days are taking on new meaning. This year, on Thanksgiving, we’re continuing our traditional focus of taking time to express gratitude for the wonders of nature, our outstanding staff, and you, our Point Blue community.
But I’m also continuing my own education of the many contributions Indigenous people have made to the conservation and protection of our natural world and the historic and continued struggles they have faced.
As an organization, Point Blue is currently developing our strategy to systematically include diversity, equity, inclusion and justice in our conservation work. This includes exploring how to integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge into our existing programs and ways to respect the history of the lands we work on and their original occupants. I invite you to join me on this journey of education, one powered by curiosity, a core principle of all scientific inquiry.
With deep appreciation for this wonderful community, I wish you and your families a safe holiday.
Manuel J. Oliva
Chief Executive Officer