We had a great breeding season this year! Check out the blog to see some of the highlights!
Breeding Season Banding Round-up, March-July 2022

We had a great breeding season this year! Check out the blog to see some of the highlights!
August marks the end of the spring/summer season and the beginning of fall at Palomarin. It brings with it new interns, as well as some new exciting captures for the year! Read on to learn more.
June brought excitement to the nets! We caught some vagrant birds and lots of recently fledged young. Read on to find out more!
This summary was compiled by Palomarin banding interns Danielle Aubé and Lindsay Wagner with help from Mark Dettling, Banding Supervisor. Exciting Captures and Observations: On the 22nd of February, we captured our first Red-breasted Nuthatch of the winter season! Red-breasted Nuthatches are common around the Palomarin field station and a few are captured here each year;
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