Come explore the exciting new captures and returning birds of our Winter season!
Winter Season Banding Summary, November 2022-January 2023

Come explore the exciting new captures and returning birds of our Winter season!
Spring is here! See what we’ve been catching!
The breeding season is in full swing and the banding and gridding interns at the Palomarin Field Station have been busy! Read on to learn more about the birds they have been studying for the past couple of months.
March marks the beginning of the bird breeding season here at Palomarin. New interns arrive to begin their internship, and some of our breeding neotropical migrants begin arriving as well!
A new year has come! Read on to see a recap of our bird captures in 2019 and to learn about what birds we have caught so far in 2020.
A bird themed float ushers in July, we continue to catch juvenile birds, and molting season begins!
February is a slower month for mist-net captures here in West Marin, but there’s always something interesting going on at the Palomarin Field Station!
Despite low numbers of birds caught, the interns still had some excitement this January with the capture of a Red Crossbill. Read on for more details!
September is full of change: migrant breeders departed for their southerly wintering grounds, others stopped here to refuel along their migratory journey, while other species that over-winter in Marin but breed to the north returned.
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