
Monthly Banding Summary, April 2014

This summary was compiled by Palomarin banding interns Janelle Chojnacki and Asya Rahlin with help from Renée Cormier, Banding Supervisor. Exciting Captures and Observations: April is an exciting time at the field station, with the later spring migrants returning from southern winter grounds for the breeding season, including Olive-sided Flycatchers and Swainson’s Thrushes. A few


Monthly Banding Summary, October 2013

This summary was compiled by Palomarin banding interns Navit Reid and Elena Daggett with assistance from Palomarin Banding Supervisor Renée Cormier, and Conservation Educator Lishka Arata. Exciting Captures and Observations: Exciting Captures.  While fall migration has wound down, we still had quite a few exciting captures this month. Among them were 10 Sharp-Shinned Hawks, 8 Red-Breasted