Last year, we began a new pilot study to investigate how extreme high tides are really affecting these secretive marsh birds. We’re putting cameras out during the winter high tides to spy on the rails without disturbing them.
Science Tags: Ridgway's Rail
Carving Out Support for Conservation
By Lishka Arata, Senior Communications Coordinator When Melinda Whipplesmith Plank reached out to Point Blue last spring to ask if we were interested in an artist collaboration that would support our conservation work, our immediate answer was an enthusiastic, “Yes!” Millie, as she prefers to be called, is a woodblock print artist based out of
Healthy Transitions
Transitions can be hard, especially if you don’t have the proper space to move and change. This is true in life and nature. Point Blue is teaming up with partners to figure out what makes transition zones between marshes and upland around the San Francisco Bay healthy and useful in the face of climate change. Read on to learn more.
Breaking the Ice and Making Connections
A Point Blue ecologist ponders the parallel struggle between marshes of the SF Bay and the Antarctic Ocean
Re-imagining Ridgway’s Rails
The complexity and creativity of recovering a species in the San Francisco Bay
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