This year marks a big milestone in Point Blue’s people history. Lynne Stenzel retired at the end of March after 50 years of being on staff with the organization. She’s the last to retire of the folks who were with the organization starting in the 1970s and has such a wealth of knowledge about the organization’s history: its science, its culture, its characters.
Science Categories: Leadership
Una Mujer con Mucha Fuerza en Buena Compañía /A Powerful Woman in Good Company
I didn’t expect to be moved to tears when I sat down to interview Diana Eusse. Diana is the South American Lead of our Migratory Shorebird Project partnership and Biologist with Asociación Calidris. I met with her in early March 2022 during one of her visits to the United States. Her perspective and approach to collaboration is palpable.
Cool City Challenge in Petaluma
The population at large is becoming increasingly aware that the climate crisis is not something that will happen in the future. It is happening now, and there is not much time left before many of the irreversible environmental tipping points have been passed. Though the challenge can feel daunting, there is hope. But we need
Central Valley Science Super Stars!
Please join us in congratulating Tom Gardali, Point Blue’s Pacific Coast and Central Valley Group Director, and Dr. Kristen (Kristy) Dybala, Point Blue Principal Ecologist in the Pacific Coast and Central Valley Group, for being awarded the Central Valley Joint Venture (CVJV) Science Excellence Award for their leadership roles in and contributions to the 2020
Help Shape Climate Stewards Curriculum
The University of California, California Naturalist Program Climate Stewards Initiative is developing a new certification course with an anticipated launch in 2021. This course will certify adults as UC Climate Stewards across California. The vision for the certification is to prepare Climate Stewards to communicate and engage in local, collective activities to advance community and
10 Questions and Answers with our New CEO
It is with great excitement that we officially welcome Manuel “Mani” Oliva on his first week of work as Point Blue’s CEO. Over the coming months, there will be a variety of opportunities for you to meet Mani, but in the meantime, please read on to get to know him a bit! You can also
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