
Monthly Banding Summary, December 2014

This summary was compiled by Palomarin banding interns Emma Cox and Adriana Caicedo with help from Mark Dettling, Banding Supervisor, and Diana Humple, Palomarin Program Leader. Exciting Captures and Observations: December alternated big storm days with big bird days. In fact, we had the highest rainfall ever recorded in 40 years (we started collecting rainfall


Monthly Banding Summary, October 2014

This summary was compiled by Palomarin banding interns Bobby Wilcox and Kaitlin Murphy with help from Renée Cormier, Banding Supervisor. Exciting Captures and Observations: October was celebratory, with beautiful weather and exciting events here at the Palomarin Field Station. October is known for its warm, sunny days here in Marin, and this one lived up